Jurre van Bergen Technologist and researcher


Some original research I put out or have been a part of.


I decided to start maintaining a blog again.


  • A web of Surveillance (Amnesty International)

  • 2023

  • Pegasus in India (Amnesty International)
  • Predator Files (Amnesty International)
  • When your “friends” spy on you: the firm pitching orwellian social media surveillance to militaries (forbiddenstories)
  • Hacks, Bots and Blackmail: How Secret Cyber Mercenaries Disrupt Elections (OCCRP)
  • Israeli Spy Tech Sold to Bangladesh, World’s Third-largest Muslim Country, Despite Dismal Human Rights Record (Haaretz)

  • 2022

  • Indian Spy Agency Bought Hardware Matching Equipment Used for Pegasus

  • 2021

  • Fox-IT in Rusland (Buro Jansen en Janssen)

  • 2019

  • AIVD-toezichthouder deed zaken met Moebarak en Assad; Fox-IT in het Midden-Oosten (Buro Jansen en Janssen

  • 2018

  • Kailax, the technical details (Buro Jansen en Janssen)
  • Hacken door inlichtingendiensten. Veilig?
  • When the Dutch secret service came knocking on my door.
  • No evidence of communication and morality in protocols: Off-the-Record protocol version 4

  • 2017

  • Gamma Group en de politie; FinFisher trojan in de Nationale politie published by (Buro Jansen en Janssen) based on research done by Buro Jansen and myself.
  • Deze Nederlanders probeerden omstreden spionagesoftware te verkopen - did original research, extracted documents, worked with Buro Jansen on research and handed over the story to the Correspondent for further research in Ecuador.

  • 2016

  • LoganCIJ16: Future of OS - represented Tails on a panel with Qubes, SubgraphOS and Tails.

  • 2015

  • Spanien hat ein neues Überwachungssystem – Evident X-StreamNetzpolitik.org - quoted for an article on a Spanish surveillane system.
  • Spionageparadijs Londen hangt vol met IMSI-catchers - my own IMSI catcher research has been quoted by webwereld.nl

  • 2014

  • Finfisher onderzoek gepubliceert in de Volkskrant.
  • Rusland looft geld uit voor kraken anoniem Tor-netwerk - interview in dagblad Trouw over Tor.
  • Sleeping with the FinFishers. - self-published
  • Lutte contre la surveillance: les hackers doivent passer de la technique au politique - slate.fr, was asked about the Snowden relevations and what kind of impact it had on the hacker community.

  • 2013

  • NICE surveillance system you got there bro. - self-published

  • 2012

  • Cryptoparty-Bewegung - Der Spiegel, asked about why encryption and privacy is important.

  • Writing

    The formulating of my thoughts.



    My previous and current employers and projects.



    Follow me on various social media platforms.



    I like email. Especially when it's encrypted.
